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SUICMC Registration

Registrations are now closed ๐Ÿงก
Thanks for coming to Bern

Select a category โ“˜

โ“˜We are trying to host an equally fair (or unfair) race for all types of beautiful humans.

Would you like to be ranked?โ“˜

โ“˜If you choose "No" you will not be included in the results of any competition.

Please enter a valid race number ๐Ÿ˜‡

โ“˜This field is for our organisation purposes only.

โ“˜Housing payment/selection will be conducted on site.

How much you would like to pay (CHF)? โ“˜

You want to pay 50 CHF

โ“˜Please pay what you can afford within a range of 30 - 80 CHF. If you cannot afford this, please contact us.

How do you intend to pay? โ“˜

โ“˜This selection is not binding. It is more to help us keep track of things. Cash payments and TWINT will also be possible during the event.

"Look out for your friends!"